Sustainable, Low Chemical & Low Carbon Wines

Our Environmental Impact.

The team at Flyfaire feel that we have the responsibility to treat our environment well and do everything we can to look after it. After-all, it provides us with great quality wines & fabulous food for us to enjoy. Decisions are therefore made to produce wines that not only taste great, but are good to our environment as well.

Here is a list of what the team at Flyfaire does to protect our environment:

  • Vigorous planning of water management through maximising the life of natural springs and staged flow structure of dams to capture the maximum levels of rain and avoid water runoff.

  • Native re-vegetation projects both on Flyfaire and in the Woomargama National Park to encourage healthy forests. 

  • Encouraging native grasses and flowers to flourish between the rows of vines and around the property including: Poa, Dianella, Thysanotus, Themeda, Dichelachne, and a variety of native orchids. 

  • Fauna such as hawks, eagles, owls, lizards, bats and sugar glider possums coexist in the vineyard forming a symbiosis of pest management.

  • Use our Guinea Fowl and Geese to assist in natural pest management by eating bugs and other soil born pathogens.

  • Allowing the paddocks to regenerate through stock rotation.

The results are much lower needs for the input of insecticides and chemicals which results in healthy earth. Importantly, it gives our wine a great quality taste. 

Guided Walking Tours

If you are interested to learn more about our Biosphere, we would be more than happy to take you on a tour of our beautiful property and Woomargama National Park. The tour includes:

  • A picnic lunch chosen from our Menu.

  • Your choice of wine from our selection of wines.

  • It is possible that you may see kangaroos, wallabies, birdlife, and lizards

  • A stop-off at our waterfall.  

  • The guide will point out interesting local flora unique to our region. 

See our Contact Us page to get in touch with us about a guided tour today.